May 28, 2011
You can find this booklet at the following sites. (Pueden encontrar este libro en),,
Madan Cherilis Granpanpan antre nan klinik la avèk pitit fi li – Mrs. Cherilis Granpanpan entered the...
Oct 10, 2010
Purchase Temporary Access to the Audio Files of 'Sak Pase? N-ap Boule Textbook' - Chapters 1-3 only.
By clicking on the purchase button, you agree that the allotted access time is a the discretion of the publisher and/or author of this book. Your payments only grant you access to listen to the audio files of the...
Sep 21, 2010
Bienvenidos a la leccion #6, El Bicentenario de Mexico! Pueden bajar esta leccion gratis de
May 24, 2010
Greetings are very important in the Haitian culture. No wonder we have some many expressions, phrases and ways to greet others. So get used to greeting people in Haiti. In general, Haitians will think you are polite.
In this lesson, you will learn expressions such as sak gen la-a? Sak pase ou? Sak Pase? You will also...
Apr 17, 2010
Get a FREE sample of Kreyol Pou Timoun - Haitian Creole for Kids - Creole Haitiano Para Ninos - Le Creole des Enfants Below
Kreyol Pou Timoun - Haitian Creole for Kids - Creole Haitiano Para Ninos - Le Creole des Enfants is now available on Kindle at for less than $12.00
This picture book is available in...