Jan 2, 2013
Amazon Kindle ebook Follow the podcast with "French Notes and Textbook for English Speakers." Purchase your copy from Kindle here
Nook ebook:
Purchase your copy of "French Notes and Textbook for English Speakers" from BarnesandNoble.com
You can now learn french by listening to it online at http://frenchlessonpodcast.libsyn.com or on http://learnfrenchonlinefree.libsyn.com
Find a copy of "Learn French MP3 Dialogues - Dialogues MP3 Francais - French Lesson MP3 Conversations - Free French MP3 Dialogue Downloads" at Barnes and Noble as a nookbook now.
You can buy a copy of "Learn French MP3 Dialogues - Dialogues MP3 Francais..." at Smashwords.com too!
General French Pronunciation Tips:
Free Downloads and Excerpts from "Learn Free French MP3 Downloads..."
Free Downloads and Excerpts from "French Notes and Textbook for English Speakers
Say the names of countries in French / Les noms de pays
French Song: Je ne sais pas le jour ou je verrai mon Roi
Listen to some more songs/hymns in French: A Dieu Soit La Gloire! Oh quel bonheur de le connaitre!
Listen to this multilingual Phrasebook episode:
French for London Olympics
A Beginner's Audio Guide to French
French Hymn: Le Cri de mon ame...
Make sentences with Chez, Voici, and Voila
Apprenez le Créole avec Bonjour Créole Maintenant!
Visit http://bonjourcreole.blogspot.com
to learn Creole if you speak French.