Sep 27, 2013
In this MP3 audio, you will learn how to count in Haitian Creole from 1 to 100 and how to tell time. You will learn the main cities of countries, language, and nationality.
For example, Somebody who was born in Cuba is a Cuban. He speaks Spanish.
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Sign up to learn Haitian Creole / Suscribese para aprender el Criollo Haitiano
Practice American English with a Community College Prof. now: Practice English: Speaking, Reading, and Listening. Class is for ESL, EFL, and Tourists, Business People, and Travelers
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Find children's books, ebooks, and stories in English, Spanish, Creole, and French right on ChildrensCreoleBooks: Children's Books in English, Spanish, Creole etc
WorldWideHaitianCreoleClasses Offers Creole Sessions on
Find French and Creole Audio Lessons; Free Listening to Creole Audio and Downloads on
AprenderKreyolHaitiano offers Haitian Creole lessons in Spanish. Go to to find textbooks and lessons
Find the right word in Haitian Creole / Le Mot Juste en Creole: helps you find the right word in Haitian Creole. Go to
Learn French Online: Find free French Audio and Downloads right on this site: helps you learn Creole and find easy textbooks in Creole.