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HaitianCreoleMP3: Learn Haitian Creole + French Online in No Time

1. Learn Haitian Creole Online:  Creole Resources

2.  Learning Haitian Creole's Webpage Category

3.  Let's Learn Creole in One Week - Ann Aprann Kreyol nan yon Semenn

 4. Webpage:


5. Learn French Online with


May 28, 2011

You can find this booklet at the following sites. (Pueden encontrar este libro en),,

Madan Cherilis Granpanpan antre nan klinik la avèk pitit fi li – Mrs. Cherilis Granpanpan entered the...

The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference: Ann Aprann Pale Kreyol - Let's Learn to Speak Haitian Creole

May 8, 2011

Ann Aprann Pale Kreyol - Let's Learn to Speak Haitian Creole: (The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference)

For only $2.99, you can purchase a copy of this ground-breaking Haitian Creole Grammar Reference at BarnesandNoble. Tell others about this great deal now! If there is one Creole book you want to give or...

May 1, 2011

When a rooster crows, how do you interpret the sound you hear?

In Haitian Creole, we interpret it as: Koukouyoukou or Kikiriki

In English, we interpret the sound to be: cock-a-doodle-doo

In French, we believe it to be: cocorico

In Dutch, it is believed to be: kukeleku

In German, it is associated with: kikeriki
