Oct 31, 2012
Madi, 30 oktòb 2012, Nouyòk, Etazini: Bilan Siklòn Sandi nan Nouyòk, Noujèze, Statten Island, Hoboken, Breezy Point elatriye - (Sandy’s Toll on New York, New Jersey and Other Areas etc.)
Siklòn Sandi frape lavil Nouyòk tankou Siklòn Katrina ki te detwi Nouvèl Orleyan. Aprè Sandi fin pase, Nouyòk pa menm jan...
Oct 27, 2012
Here is where you can find my friend's new book:
Find this new book on Amazon Kindle by clicking on the link shown below:
Kandy Belle's book: Tropics Romance Trilogy (TRT): Lonely Rich Tourist Women Seek Revenge, Meet Sexy Beach Boys and Paradise Gods: Tropics Romance Trilogy
Book Review
Oct 26, 2012
Kalalou - Okra
Purchase a copy of "Haitian Foods and Fruits Names: Haitian Creole Cuisine and Haitian Recipes...
Pen ak Manba
Kowosòl -...
Oct 24, 2012
Listentoaudiostoriesonline on haitiancreolemp3.libsyn.com is a new series of story episodes you can listen to on your mobile devices including your iPad Mini, iPad, iPad2, iPod, iPhone, android phones, samsung galaxi S III, Kindle and Nook, Surface etc.
Here is a list of sites or blogs where you can listen to...
Oct 14, 2012
Answering a question asked by a journalist over the lack of royalties Rodriguez has not received for over 40 years, he replied, "“Hate is too strong an emotion to waste on somebody you don’t like..."