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HaitianCreoleMP3: Learn Haitian Creole + French Online in No Time

1. Learn Haitian Creole Online:  Creole Resources

2.  Learning Haitian Creole's Webpage Category

3.  Let's Learn Creole in One Week - Ann Aprann Kreyol nan yon Semenn

 4. Webpage:


5. Learn French Online with


Steve Jobs' Poetic Biography, Business Principles and Decisions: How to live before you die, Acumen, Leadership and Entrepreneurship

Oct 27, 2011

The world has lost a great mind, a wonderful innovator, a competitor for sure, but a great pitchman!

Steve Jobs left us with some great gadgets such as the iphone, ipod, and iPad. But his life and example are full of lessons, words of wisdom for the business people and contemporary entrepreneurs.

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