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HaitianCreoleMP3: Learn Haitian Creole + French Online in No Time

1. Learn Haitian Creole Online:  Creole Resources

2.  Learning Haitian Creole's Webpage Category

3.  Let's Learn Creole in One Week - Ann Aprann Kreyol nan yon Semenn

 4. Webpage:


5. Learn French Online with


Aug 24, 2011

Pueden encontrar toda esta leccion en este sitio:

Anotaciones Historicas:

En 1815, después de tener muchos problemas con Cartagena, Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios Ponte y Blanco, conocido como Simón Bolívar se huyó a Jamaica que no lo...

Marcel D. Dubois's "Haitian Creole Worship and Praise Songs - Chan Adorasyon ak Louwanj Kreyol...."

Aug 22, 2011

If you are interested in singing Haitian Creole songs, you can get a copy of "Haitian Creole Worship and Praise Songs" here.

Pastor Marcel D. Dubois compiled this list of Haitian Creole songs for and his Brooklyn-based congregation. Mr. Dubois is a Youth Ministry pastor at a Brooklyn church...

Pa Ponpe Sou Kabann Nan - Stop Jumping on the Bed (Bilingual Chidren's Story in Creole and English)

Aug 20, 2011

Bilingual Story Delivered in PDF: This children's story is written in English and Haitian Creole. Use Paypal to Purchase a copy now:

Review of the ebook

Pa Ponpe Sou Kabann nan! – Stop Jumping on the Bed! - No Salten en la Cama!is the story of six siblings: Lili, Lala, Lolo, Lila, Lola and Lele who could never...

Aug 5, 2011

This is just a sample of the excerpt from the textbook, "Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference: Ann Pale Kreyol Chak Jou - Let's Learn Haitian Creole Every Day" which can be found right on Amazon Kindleand Barnes and Noble Nook Book.

The excerpt is from pages 180-186

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